Making Jesus Cool

I have a horrible habit of posting a one to two sentence ambiguous Facebook status when what I really need to post is a blog. Or a novel. Give or take a little.

Sunday I stated:

“I  sincerely wonder how Jesus feels about being “made cool” these days. That’s confusing theology to me.”

It’s short, I know. And unexplained. And a little snarky.

So, some people were all, “Jesus isn’t cool! Everybody hated Jesus!! Ahhhh!!!”

And then other people were all, “Hey…I think Jesus is cool. Why are you so cranky?”

Then I was all



(That was paraphrased, by the way)

My comment was sparked by a commercial on a popular local Christian radio station. I don’t even know what it was for, but what caught my attention was the slogan/campaign for kids to “make Jesus cool in school”.

It rhymes. It’s cute. I get it.

But I immediately felt my nose starting to scrunch. Huh??

Here’s my deal, y’all. Or deals, since I kindof have several.

My first deal is relative, since everybody has their own definition of “cool”. When I think of something that is “cool”, I think of skinny jeans. Mini skirts. Ipads. Justin Bieber. Whatever is popular and hip in the current culture (which will surely be just as un-cool in a year or less).

The commercial seems to be using the term in the same way. Popular. Hip. Trendy. A fad.


Uhm, fads fade. They rarely have any sort of lasting depth or life changing affects. Although, that one year high heeled sneakers were “in” was pretty life changing. Have you ever asked a kid why they wear high heeled sneakers?

(I mean REALLY who does that? Not me.  And not my childhood best friend. Not us. Nope. Never did.)


Do we ask why we pierce our noses or cut our hair a certain way or are drawn towards chevron stripes or like the color black? Because most of the time there’s not some spiritual deep answer there, its just because…it’s “cool”. Nothing wrong with that, by the way, but let’s not pretend there’s a deep rooted reason there.

What is cool is also usually defined as a whole by our culture. Our culture that is depraved, desperate, and delirious in case you haven’t noticed. Spend five minutes in a shopping mall and you’ll see what is “cool”. And then you will weep. And hide yo kids.

Jesus. Wow…He is so many things. I couldn’t even attempt to describe his character. He is relevant, adventurous, dangerous, exciting, moving, compelling, captivating, gracious, righteous, holy, patient, gentle, ravenous, sovereign.

I’m not sure I want my girls to feel like Jesus has to fit in the “cool box”. Isn’t that where we end up with a lot of sex before marriage, and baptist gals running around in see through shirts and bikini bottoms that are maybe supposed to be shorts? Wouldn’t trying to squeeze into some of the cultural trends while clinging to Biblical truths provide a big ol’ swamp full of grey?

Trusting Jesus as my Father, my wise, all-knowing, protective, you-know-what’s-best-for-me Father, means I choose modesty amidst a culture that screams “less is more”. It means I choose purity in a world where sex sells. It means I quit shopping at Victoria’s Secret, because they think its “cool” to market sexy undergarments to freaking 13 year olds.

It means chasing after what is pure and holy and noble and true and DENYING what is destructive, counterfeit, false and fleeting.

And it means knowing, and I mean really knowing and believing, that He is SO MUCH BETTER than what culture has to offer. “Taste and see”, He says. Our babies are on a journey of tasting. We all are.  I want to usher them into his presence so that they can taste and see his goodness. His better-ness. The more we taste and the more we see the more cultural crap taste like..well..crap.

So, if we want to define Jesus as cool because personally we relate the word cool to all things awesome then YES. Go! Do it! He is so cool.

But if we want to slap it on a slogan and imply that He is anywhere near comparable to what our culture calls cool, then please, we need some more tasting and seeing going on.

Besides ALL that, the phrase “make Jesus cool” not only implies that Jesus is not enough in his own character to win our hearts, but that we are at all capable in any way of adding to his character to make him cool(er)…..or bett(er)….or any greater than he already is. Insert my confusion.

How about instead we PUSH our children towards the character of Jesus. How about we provide opportunities, beg for opportunities, for them to taste and see his greatness, trusting as they grow in that knowledge the people around them will be changed.

It’s just a phrase, I know. It’s just a slogan. It sounds good. It rhymes. Quit reading into it so much.

But you don’t think our kids will? You don’t think their brilliant minds will read into that? You don’t think they won’t land in a puddle of frustration when their efforts to make Jesus fit into the cool box  just don’t seem to be working?

Taste. See. Believe. Be changed. Cling to truth. Deny cultural crap. This is what I want for my girls. It’s what I want for myself, and for you.

SO. That might just be a rant. I might should have just kept driving or switched the station and kept my fingers off the keyboard.

If you think I’m being too critical, reading into it, making something of nothing, stirring the pot….

To you I say:

I’m 7 months fat pregnant and its the hormones talking.


(Did I overdo the picture thing?)

Hazel’s 2nd Birthday–Elmo Party!

I always said I would never do a character party. Disney, Sesame, Dora…nu uh. No way. Soooo not my style. I mean, uh, my kid’s style. Since its her birthday. -__-

But, as much as my girl loves her some Elmo, I couldn’t say no. I mean, y’all, she LOVES Elmo. Even though she has seen that furry fat face 152million times, every time is like the first. Gasps. Giggles. Surprise. Shock. Awe. She loves him.

So I set out to make Elmo cool. Kindof. At least…girly? Luckily Hazel was born just before Valentine’s day, so the red and pink options at the dollar store are endless every year. Hope she likes those colors for  awhile. 😉

I had so much fun putting all this together and seeing her face as I did it. I started a few days before the party so the Elmo stuff went up gradually. Each time I added something she would stop and squeal, saying “Oh! Yeah! Mama, yeah!”

I die.

We loved having all her little friends over  and had a blast with everyone!

A few shout outs:
Hallie Garcia of Play Time Paints for doing AMAZING face painting (pictures of that to come later)
The Urban Poser for making some sugar/gluten/dairy free treats for all the hippy kiddos
Michelle Monk for making sugary glutenous cupcakes for all us health heathens. 😉
Mae Burke for making a video of the day. She did this at her 1st birthday  too and its something I totally treasure.
My parents for helping endlessly. Especially dad, who dressed up in an Elmo costume and made children cry.

A little Elmo (papa) preview last night to see if she would freak or not.

A little Elmo (papa) preview last night to see if she would freak or not.

So my Elmo looks a little off centered and possibly somewhat inebriated, but that sucker took me forever to make.

So my Elmo looks a little off centered and possibly somewhat inebriated, but that sucker took me forever to make.

Elmo chocolate "pops" and stripe straws from Etsy.

Elmo chocolate “pops” and stripe straws from Etsy.

Strawberry banana smoothies.

Strawberry banana smoothies.





Sugary heathen cupcakes. I will dream about these. Yummo.

Sugary heathen cupcakes. I will dream about these. Yummo. (Elmo cupcake “rings” from Etsy.)

Allergy friendly strawberry coconut macaroons by The Urban Poser.

Allergy friendly strawberry coconut macaroons by The Urban Poser.


Allergy friendly really awesome chocolate cupcakes by The Urban Poser. I may have helped Hazel eat hers. Come's chocolate!

Allergy friendly really awesome chocolate cupcakes by The Urban Poser. I may have helped Hazel eat hers. Come on…it’s chocolate!


"Make your own Elmo" kit with red play dough, eyeballs, a nose and mouth!

“Make your own Elmo” kit with red play dough, eyeballs, a nose and mouth!

Hazel and Papa

Hazel and Papa

Melt my ever loving heart.

Melt my ever loving heart.

Bribed with food.

Bribed with food.


She was not so sure about this face painting deal.

She was not so sure about this face painting deal.

(instagram pic)

(instagram pic)

She sat on her Elmo throne in the corner shoveling as many macaroons down as she could.


She sat on her Elmo throne in the corner shoveling as many macaroons down as she could.
<p><a href=”″>Hazel Turns Two</a> from <a href=”″>Mae Burke</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

Baggy Bras & Butt Floss

Today was the day. The workout class I promised you all I would attend and participate in. I woke up before my alarm and it felt like the first day of school. At first I was taking my time getting ready before waking the kid up, but then I remembered that my husband is out a car and I had to take him to work before my class. Crap!

“Jeremiah! Babe! G.e.t. u.p!! I cannot be late to my first workout class!!”

It just so happen to be staff picture day, so a shower and extra attention to the hair do was a must. The universe hates me.

We manage to all get out the door on time and I complain the whole way about how none of my sports bras fit and I feel way too “airy” to be attending a workout class but I can’t come here and tell you all that I conveniently skipped out on my fitness torture because of a baggy bra!! And can we talk about leggings? What the heck are you supposed to wear, ahem, under them? Because nobody wants to see panty lines, but really who wants to be doing lunges and jumping jacks in a thong? Well, me, apparently. Sigh.

Anyhow, I get to the class on time, in all my baggy bra and butt floss glory. This is going to be a disaster.

There were about 6 of us, strollers in tow, and we started out in a circle doing p90x stretchy type warm up things. The instructor of the class was an adorable little thing that looks better 7 months pregnant than I do…well, ever. And she had on a cute little matching workout getup that had me totally jelly. As we are doing these sides step, arm cross things, she asks us to go around and introduce ourselves and tell about an easy dinner recipe we love.

She starts by introducing herself and describing this beautiful zucchini, chicken, and spinach layered casserole something and I’m telling y’all she never missed a beat. All I could think about was how in the h-e-double-hockey-stick I was going to talk in full sentences and not look like Carlton trying to do these step arm punch things in good timing. Have you ever tried this before? She might as well have asked me to pat my head, rub my tummy, and sing Mmmbop at the top of my lungs. Mercy.

I’m last up in the circle, and pretty much every woman before me had described something that involved spinach, vegetables or an otherwise healthy ingredient (except one gal who added Dr. Pepper to her pork. Now we’re talkin’!) and all I could think about were zucchini brownies. BROWNIES, people!

“I’m Keri. This is Hazel. She’s 16 months old. I made zucchini brownies. But they didn’t have any flour?? And I used honey. And almond butter and zucchini and lots of chocolate. Wait– can I talk about chocolate at a workout class?”

Really, Keri!? You couldn’t think of something else? You had to go with brownies?! Way to be that girl. The one that talks about CHOCOLATE at a WORKOUT CLASS.

Good grief. I should have stopped then.

I expected this to be hard. You know, since the only workout I’ve done since high school is the few hours of natural childbirth I endured last year. I expected to be out of breath, unattractively covered in sweat stains, and possibly crying (weeping, moaning, whathaveyou). But I kept thinking, “This is a group of moms. Surely I’m not the only one that’s out of shape.”


So after we do our warm up thingies and some jogging in place, we take off speed walking down to the other corridor of the mall. I was feeling good. I could feel a little burn and I was trying to tense up my ab muscles while walking. You know, because I like pain.

We reached the other end of the world mall and adorable instructor starts describing the next workout we are going to do. She mentions something about thanking the “insanity workout” for this one. Hmm, never heard of it.

It’s a full squat with arms down–jump up (arms up) and hit your feet together in the air–down to full squat (and she meant full, dang it)–jump up. She said the pregnant ones could just come up to tip toes and my lord I have never wanted to fake a pregnancy so bad. She says we are going to do them for a minute and so off a’jumping I go! I get through like a hundred of them (ok, maybe 8) and I hear her say “ok, one minute here we go, ready….start!”

Wait, what? We weren’t starting already? Oh right. I knew that. Those were just practice jumps.


So after a “minute” of doing these, the corners of my vision start getting black, and not because there’s sweat in my eyes.

Ok, yeah, I’m pretty dizzy. Stupid. Keep going. It’s supposed to be miserable. It’s supposed to be miserable. Oh man, I’m nauseous. Please tell us to stop!

She calls time and we take a break to get some water. I’m eyeballing all the nearest trash cans and blinking really hard trying to shake the dizziness.

Adorable instructor says “Alright, by now you should be out of breath and you should be glistening”

The other moms smile and nod cheerily in agreement as I pant heavily and hide behind my stroller guzzling water, trying to pull the freaking underwear out of my butt crack.

I go another round but can only do the tip toes. You know…the one for pregnant people.

You know what’s weird? I didn’t even feel worn out. My legs felt like they were going numb, but I was enjoying the burn. I kept getting dizzier, though.

We were instructed to take off to the next corridor of the mall so off I went. The adorable instructor comes along side me and asks if I ate breakfast.


I did have a couple bites of almond butter. I really don’t feel like my blood sugar is low. I’m not shaky or weak or disoriented.

I kept thinking if I just walked briskly it would go away and I’d be fine. This is so embarrassing. The wrinkly old men with walking sticks were passing me up.

“I think I might have to go. I can’t seem to shake this dizziness or nausea.”

I said that. To the pregnant lady. The one kicking my butt in the fitness department.

I took the walk of shame back to my car. I could feel all the old people watching me. Snickering. At least, it felt like they were.

Oh yeah?! Well at least I didn’t pee myself and don’t wear diapers…you…old person…………you. 

I debated the whole way back whether I should sit down to keep from passing out or if I should haul butt to my car to get the air blasting on my face. I opted to haul. Poor Hazel was probably wondering what the heck was going on. I (somehow) got her and the stroller packed away and the a/c going. After I could see straight we headed out, tail between my legs (literally!).

I spent the next few hours thinking about what a stinking wimp I am and cursing my body for embarrassing me like a red headed step child. I talked to my friend (who is one of the other instructors, and also a chiropractor) and was telling her about what happened. When I told her I didn’t feel like it was bloodsugar, she asked “do you have adrenal issues?”.

Sweet Jesus please let her tell me it has something to do with that and I’m not just a total loser.

I just so happen to have a history of adrenal fatigue (google it) and keep forgetting to take my supplements for it. She told me that the adrenal fatigue causes blood pressure to be off and would explain why I get dizzy even after just picking something up off the floor (much less doing the…what’s it called? INSANITY WORKOUTS!). She said I shouldn’t have been doing any up-and-down type exercises.

This is the part where you all think in your head about what a dork I am making up bogus excuses for my sorry fitness disposition. It’s not nice to make fun of people with adrenal disabilities. Jerks.

That’s ok. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Now the fact that I can’t walk straight might have something to do with my ridiculously out of shape muscles. That, or its the thong. Yeah, I’ll go with that.

I’m going to Starbucks….

Rock the Jig

After making it back to my pre-pregnancy weight, fitting into the pre pregnancy clothing (the ones I gave away because I was sure I’d never be that size again) I thought I was in the clear. You know…from that pesky little thing…working out.

Look y’all, I am not one of those gals that likes to lace up the running shoes, sweat into my already allergy irritated contacts, and push myself to the point of feeling like there are 14 toddlers playing hopscotch on my aorta. Plus, me running? Not cute. Not cute at all.

You will not find a “motivation” or “fitness” board on my Pinterest. You won’t see me recording my latest run times or posting pics of my 5k victories.

But, alas, a girl can only rock the jiggle so long. And supposedly it only gets jigglier. Because that’s fair.

Which brings me to this announcement: Ladies and gentlemen of the interwebs, tomorrow I shall attend my first workout class since my stretch marked arse was wearing little rah-rah bloomers.

It’s shocking, I know. And probably not near as exciting for you as it is for me. Wait, actually I’m not excited at all. I think I’m nervous!

Do I even own any running shoes?

Scratch that, do I even own any shoes with laces?!

Shorts or leggings? Sports bra or? Definitely sports bra. And leggings.

Headband. I need a headband!

How many crunches will I have to do? Must start practicing now how to pause when the teacher isn’t looking.

Will my kid behave? (It’s a stroller class where babes come along)

Will she cry in fear when she sees me whimpering like a beat up dog?

I will not throw up. I will not throw up. I will not throw up.

And most importantly (because we are all honest here)…dear God PLEASE don’t let me pee on myself!

If you’ve never had a baby, then just disregard that last comment. You wouldn’t understand and trust me, you don’t want to. Having babies is great. You should do it. (muahahaha)

So, there it is folks. Now I HAVE to go tomorrow, right? Since I told you? …why am I doing this to myself…

If you happen to be at North East mall tomorrow morning before the doors open and  hear  what sounds like groaning and gnashing of teeth, pay no mind.

I’ll update y’all tomorrow. If I make it out alive. And dry.

What, you missed us?


Hi friends. When I used to blog on my own (ahem, years ago), I would go through times of writers block or whatever have you where I would appear to have fallen off the face of the earth. Whenever I “came back” I would pretend as if it never happened. Like I’d been there all along. Less awkward that way (or, was it?). I would totally ignore the fact that some of my major life events (like marriage!) had been skipped over. Bad blogger, bad!

This time, we’ll just not do that. So, in case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been AWOL. And we’re ok with it. Here’s the deal. We are young brides, even younger moms, and may or may not juggle our ever living sanity on a daily basis (Kidding. Sort of.). One thing we committed to when we started this blog was that we would fight to keep it lower on our priority list. Everybody has a little people pleasing in them (yes, even me.), and with that comes the tendency to panic a bit when its been a couple days weeks before our eyes have seen this blog. But we’ve been busy. With the wife thing. And the mom thing. And the….well….sanity thing.

About 5 minutes after Hazel was born, I realized that everything had shifted. I had a new battle. I would suddenly be pulled in 352 different directions, all at one time, washed daily in the temptations of busyness and scurry. We wives and moms know how powerful we are. I mean really, let’s be honest. We freaking rock. What we speak and pour into the lives of our husbands and children have the capability to do some major damage to the enemy’s schemes. Just as much as it has the capability to do just plain ol’ damage. Yikes.

Maybe this is a little typical, but the Lord has taken me back to Proverbs 31. Yeah, that one. That lady that seems impossibly awesome and makes you wonder if she’s actually real or if Solomon made her up in his testosterone filled head. But really, whoever she is, somehow fought idleness without falling victim to busyness. There’s a couple of things that have stood out (aka convicted, humbled, motivated) me as I’m reading through it. Ok, so I’ve only gotten through the first few scriptures but hey, baby steps!

“She works with willing hands”
I have to confess, there are many times, especially recently, that my hands have been anything but willing (definition: Ready, eager, or prepared to do something). Ready? Yawn. Maybe sometimes. Eager? Yes, I can’t wait to have a clingy whining thing pulling on my leg while I’m trying to make her a healthy breakfast and unload the dishwasher at the same time, all while keeping the dogs from peeing on the floor or the ants from overtaking my fruit bowl. Prepared???? That’s the biggest one for me. Definitely not prepared. Hence the reason I got up before the crack of dawn this morning to prepare. Prepare my kitchen. My breakfast. My laundry. My heart. My attitude. My spirit. Preparedness. How have I gotten along so far without preparing myself?

I look at my daughter and tears fill my eyes. She is the greatest, most perfect gift that Jesus could have ever given me. The way she randomly kisses me while saying “awwwwww”, or laughs at the stranger who needed something to smile about, or gasps every time her daddy walks into the room. My heart swells to the size of Texas at the thought of her. When I think back to the loss of my first baby, I am reminded that there was a season when I would have given anything, ANYTHING, to have a whiny clingy baby attached to my leg. This sweet spirited joyous little girl is on loan to me, as a gift, as sanctification, as a…blessing.

May we cherish our babies. May be work with willing hands. May we prepare homes and hearts for the refreshment of the Holy Spirit. May we set down our expectations, our people pleasing, and our busyness, and exchange it for the mercy and redemption and work that the Lord has to offer us. Maybe that Proverbs 31 lady really did exist. I bet she let her blog go every now and then too, don’t you think? 😉

There’s No Place Like Home…There’s No Place Like Home

How many of our readers are Texans? Probably most of you. We natives know that one of the perks to Texas living is a yearly rendition of the movie Twister in real life. I have to admit, storms still excite me a bit. Not near as much as they did before I had a tiny fragile human to take care, though. It’s been a little crazy in DFW today. We’ve had like one hundred thirty four  seven tornadoes touch down in the past few hours. Thank the Lord for Facebook! Here’s some crazy photos and videos of what’s been going down in Cowtown….

Hope everyone is ok!


The Summer is Coming! The Summer is Coming!

In other parts of the country, I’m sure this is a good thing. In Texas, meh. It typically (read always) means miserably high temperatures, mosquitos the size of beach balls and skinny, tan, pre-maternal girls flaunting their never-been-knocked-up bodies. Summer. Is. Coming.

In the meantime, we’re in this teency weency little season few weeks called Spring. Temperatures under 100 degrees. The grass is finally green, the birds are chirping and we can actually break out the sunscreen.

Morgan and I both have been spending a lot of time outdoors with our littles, but we’re wondering what YOU do with your littles during the Spring/Summer? We’re compiling a list of ideas (preferably cheap or free) and activities to do with our babes to get them out of the house and soaking up some Vitamin D! We’d love to hear things for little ones (1 year and under) and for older ones, too! Readyyyyyyy, go!

Today, we fed our kids off the ground picnicked at the park! Hazel LOVES it when Beck and Eliza are in town.

(This one is definitely going to be blown up at their wedding)

garden dreams & space ship squash

Whew. It’s been a week! Between births, weekend adventures, traveling, working & kiddos we have had to put our blog baby to the side.
Oh?? What’s that you said? You want a new blog post? You’ve been refreshing the page for days…waiting?! Ok,ok! Here ya go… 😉


This weekend we ventured out to The Natural Gardener to get a few new baby veggies for our garden! We have about 400 sq feet of garden space in our backyard that we were ready to let the weeds overcome this year (since we had the worst garden ever last summer. Yay for Texas summers…) but at the last minute decided that would just be such a waste of perfect, earth worm infested, chicken crap filled, dark, rich, yummy soil. And that’s just NOT ok.
This year, we decided to just “take it easy, keep it simple” and stick with the two raised beds we have and not, definitely not work the in ground beds that have been completely taken over by crab grass and last years arugula. Oh. The things I wish I would have known about arugula…

Side note: Those suckers are pristine & completely free of weeds now…see!

I had a feeling “simple” wasnt gonna happen…

This may or may not be how a lot of things go in our marriage…

Our conversation at The Natural Gardener went something like this:

Aaron: ok babe, for real, just the stuff on the list.
Morgan: ok, got it. Just the list
…walk into the glory that is a garden store/nursery/chicken haven/goat lair/garden heaven…
Morgan: oooooooh aaaaahahhh
Aaron: remember, keep it simple.
Morgan: (walking towards the outdoor rugs & garden paraphernalia) riiiiiiiiight.
…after a few minutes of perusing things we will NEVER buy, Aaron pulls me away & back on mission…
Morgan: ok, wheres that list?… Oooooooh! Look! A raspberry…vine?…we should definitely try this!!!
Aaron: Baaaabe!!!
Morgan: right the list.
…after we walk in circles with one kid strapped on and the other in a wagon, we get what we need…
Hippie Girl working at NG: ohhhh, heyyy… If you like squash, try this one. It’s totally rad. It looks like a space ship.
Aaron: oh, I think we’re ok–…
Morgan: (butting in) oh great!! Thanks SO much!
( I am uncomfortable with saying “no,thank you” in these types of situations)
Hippie Girl: groovy.
Morgan: under breath, just put it back when shes not looking…
Aaron: yeaaaa we don’t need space ship squash.

We get home and start planting in our beautiful soil previously nourished by our chickens…
I set out our 6 plants & Aaron and I look at each other obviously thinking the same thing…

Aaron: you know, I mean, if we are gonna do it, we might as well do it, right?
Morgan: yeah! Definitely! I mean I just spent two days pulling weeds….we should definitely use all the space…
Aaron: we could get a few more peppers…
Morgan: yeah! That’s great! 3 more…

Off to Shoal Creek Nursery I go.
Get there & quickly rush to the veggie section.
Wisely search for the perfect plants.
Find them and head out.
Get home…

Morgan: babe!! I have a surprise plant! It’s okra!!
Aaron: awesome babe! Wow…dang! There’s twelve plants here!!
Morgan: yeah, I know. I couldn’t help it…I got excited 🙂

Needless to say our small & simple garden turned into 20+ and we still haven’t planted our corn & sunflowers.
Oh & of course there is a space ship squash that we forgot to put back somewhere in there. Groovy.

Our *almost* finished garden.

We are excited to have learned from our flop of a garden last year & hope to get at least ONE edible piece of produce this year. That would be a vast improvement!

Do YOU have a garden? What’s your best ‘green thumb’ pearl of wisdom? Best large garden bounty  prayer? Chant? Rain dance? Anything!! We’re gonna need it!

Keep an eye out for some awesome stuff coming this week! Maybe even a giveawayyyyy!

Friday Friday


This is some great songwriting, right here.

“Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today

Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after…wards
I don’t want this weekend to end”

This weekend we will be…oh, hold on. I can’t remember. Where’s my calendar!?

Ok, let’s see…I have some sessions to do on Saturday. Because I love to work on the weekends. Who doesn’t?  -_-

I will also spend many hours begging and convincing my husband to let me build a garden. Oh, don’t think he is a meany head for not letting me. He has every right to be skeptical, considering I barely remember to keep the dogs fed and watered. And the little fact that I may or may not have previously bought three different sets of herbs on three different occasions, only for them all to die slow and painful deaths. But, this time, I’m serious. I want some dang vegetables. And fruits. And gnomes.

That brings me to next week. Next week Morgan is going to be sharing some of her gardening plans for me to copy and keep for myself. — I mean uh– for y’all to read and learn from. Since it’s apparently THE time to plant. Like RIGHT NOW. Crap! I need to go to the store….

We’ll share some recipes we wowed our families with over the weekend, and hopefully hear from a veteran mama who has come out of the trenches alive raised/is raising her children faithfully.

This week the Lord has been stirring some major things in my heart. Some pretty, some messy, some crazy. I’ll be sharing some of those things next week.

We also have another giveaway coming up. It may be next week. Or it may be the week after. You’ll just have to keep coming back to find out, won’t ya?! 😉

What are y’all doing this weekend? Any tips for beginner gardeners out there that happen to have a black and decaying thumb?